Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Muse: Ignorance

If by sin, some might call ignorance...
the first sin, which sums everything thereafter is the ignorance of Love.

Sin is the error of loving first when Love's first 'condition' is that He is received.
You cannot love an other or even oneself if you are not 'in' Love.
It is impossible that man can love God, alone, on his effort. Man cannot beget Love.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Muse: Stranger

How strange...
Where Love is, there is no stranger,
for Love recognises His image even if he does not.

Muse: Listen

Listen, listen, listen...
Listen when you want to speak...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Muse: Craving

Craving, craving...
craving to be craved.

What else does man need other than to be loved.

The first sin of man is that he felt he ought love first, when love begot him.